Mandy Moore Opens Up About Her Unconventional Family History

Photo: Amanda Edwards/Getty Images.
In the early 2000's when she was peak teen celeb status, Mandy Moore seemed like the ultimate girl next door. But, according to a recent interview, her past doesn't fit within the (very narrow) "all-American" idea. Mandy Moore, who currently stars in NBC's This Is Us, opened up to Byrdie about her atypical family history — Moore's family is, in her words, "the least traditional." "My parents are divorced," she said. "My mother left my father for a woman. And both of my two brothers are gay." That's certainly not traditional, but that doesn't mean Moore is the worse for it. She noted that her family members are “exactly where they should be. Everyone’s so much happier, richer, and more fulfilled, being their authentic selves." Which, perhaps, is how present-day Moore is as well. She's no longer the teen in the platform flip-flops. A divorceé, the 32-year-old actress has settled into a new type of career, and by all accounts, she seems happier, richer, and more fulfilled. In the same interview, Moore claimed: "I feel like I’m a 62-year-old in a 32-year-old’s body." Not in the my-body-tired-way, either — Moore is admitting to the "little old lady" habits that we all have and even says that she is looking forward to her golden years. (She also professed a love for 60 Minutes.) If you ask me, looking forward to old age is the surest sign of a self-actualized person.

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