Please Note The Red Wine Bath In Opening Ceremony’s “Crazy” Gift Guide

Photo: Courtesy of Opening Ceremony.
Opening Ceremony isn't exactly known for its subtlety. Humberto Leon and Carol Lim have developed a cult following for their boutique because of their vibrant, loud, and just plain-old fun approach to fashion. We're talking about the folks that have staged plays, heart-stopping dance sequences, and even politically inclined pageants to showcase clothing. Naturally, Opening Ceremony's approach to holiday gifting is no less unique.
Always eager to jump on an opportunity for nostalgia, the brand's gift guide is dubbed CrazyCozyCool (a nod to TLC's sophomore studio album, of course). Each category is pretty self-explanatory: "Cozy" is comprised of an array of clothing and accessories that are soft to the touch; "Cool" highlights the furry varsity jackets and silk pajamas you see on only your most stylish of friends, and "Crazy" is, well, exactly that. In the same vein of Neiman Marcus' legendary fantasy gifts, the latter group of offerings focuses on the experiential, the one-of-a-kind, and the extremely expensive. (All the gifts are in the four- to five-figure range.)
There are six packages as part of the "Crazy" category. There's the opportunity to get a garment custom designed by Leon. Then, there are two sessions with celebrity medium Tyler Henry available — one in L.A. and one via Skype. There's a red wine bath experience for two at New York's Aire Ancient Baths, complete with a 30-minute red wine soak, scalp and body massages, a thermal bath, embroidered Opening Ceremony robes, and fresh juice. Plus, there are two unique dining experiences up for grabs: one is a lunch with frequent Opening Ceremony collaborators Spike Jonze and Jonah Hill; the other is a dinner of the designers' favorite Asian recipes made by Leon and Lim themselves.
Are there any Opening Ceremony devotees who are about to have the absolute best holiday in their lives this year with one of these gifts? Perhaps. We're more curious to see someone's reaction as they learn they'll get to live out one of these experiences. For now, though, check out the full scope of Opening Ceremony's "Crazy" offerings — along with the hefty price tags attached to them.

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