Women Across The Country Are Going On Strike Today — Here’s Why

Photo: Jason Redmond/Getty Images.
The post-election protests are far from over. Today, women in 18 different cities will go on strike and rally against President-elect Donald Trump. The nationwide protest, coordinated by the grassroots organization Women & Allies, is an effort for women to express their outrage about the election results, even if they can't make it to the Women's March on Washington next month. "On December 12, 2016, women/self-identified women and their allies will gather together in solidarity in cities across the United States to protest the normalization of sexual assault, racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, unconstitutional behavior, cronyism, and hate," Ann Massaro, one of the organizers, wrote in a statement. "I urge everyone to rally together to protect the inalienable rights for all and fight against the tyranny we’re facing as a result of the 2016 presidential election." The strike is being organized a week before the Electoral College meets to finalize the vote for our next president. One of the key efforts during the Women & Allies' events is getting people to sign a petition asking electors to cast their votes for Hillary Clinton instead of Trump. If you're unable to take the day off, the organizers suggest you join the rallies during your lunch break or participate in an "all-day spending boycott." By withholding your money, you could remind others of how powerful the women's bloc really is. You can find a list of all the cities and the respective Facebook events here.

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