Olivia Wilde’s Instagram Makes A Great Point About Post-Baby Bodies

How do we love Olivia Wilde? Let us count the ways. When the actress isn't schooling inconsiderate subway riders, she's taking unrealistic body standards to task. Like many of us, Wilde was casually doing some online holiday shopping when she came across an ad for a breast pump that she had to "call bullshit on." Wilde, who just welcomed her second child in October, took to Instagram to express her frustrations over the casting of a model who she says "definitely did not recently birth a child who requires breastmilk to be pumped."
"Real quick just wanna take a break from online (lazy-person) x mas shopping to call bullshit on this ad for a breast-pump bra," she wrote. "Also want to give a quick cyber hug to this model who had to pretend to have recently birthed a milk-fed baby-child when she clearly has spent the last year lifting tiny weights and meditating." Though many of Wilde's followers applauded her for shutting down an ad that promotes unrealistic post-baby body standards, some were also quick to point out that some new moms do look like the model pictured. "I legit looked like this 6 days post birth so this is the most ridiculous post ever," one Instagram user wrote. "Actually horrible to make mothers feel bad for being fit and toned after having a baby." "Am I supposed be all stretch mark filled and flabby so I fit your idea of what is conventionally acceptable after [having] a baby?" another asked. Wilde's post makes a great point — we shouldn't expect breast-feeding mothers to be thin and toned. But, as her followers pointed out, we also shouldn't shame women if they do appear fit after childbirth. Obviously, more often than not, thin and toned bodies are held up as the ideal, and Wilde is speaking up for the majority of women who may be shamed for not fitting into those (often) unrealistic beauty standards. But again, her commenters also raise a good point. TLDR; let's stop shaming women's bodies, period. We all look different, and that's definitely a good thing.

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