Do These Things On Your Phone & Online For A Fresh Start To 2017

Photographed by Bianca Valle.
The start of a new year means it's time for a reality check. How many update notifications did you push "remind me later" on in 2016? How many emails did you star with the intention of returning to them later? And how many first-name contacts from Tinder dates still clutter your address book?
If the answer to any of the above is "a lot," you aren't alone. Every year, we become victims of good intentions gone unfulfilled. We get it, life gets in the way. But if you want to start 2017 out with a clean slate, it's important to do a little online and smartphone housekeeping.
Take a Marie Kondo approach and clear the clutter, keeping only the apps, texts, and contacts you need. Give your Facebook and Snapchat security some important updates. And, for the ambitious, go for an email overhaul.
We talked to the experts at tech company Enjoy to find out which changes top their yearly checklist. Ahead, 29 steps you should take at the start of 2017 for a fresh start.


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