33 Fashion Fixes From Reddit You Can Actually Use

Extreme crowdsourcing is perhaps one of the greatest gifts the internet has given us. In this grand age of technology, you don't have to go to the trouble of asking your great aunt her special trick to get rid of scuffs from shoes — you can just head to Reddit. Whether you're troubled by an exceptionally pill-prone sweater or are wrestling to fix a hoodie that's lost its drawstring, you can find not only solidarity in the great, sometimes downright-weird abyss that is Reddit. You can actually find genius solves for a wide range of style-related woes.
From basic hacks to more complex DIY projects, these tips will help your damaged clothes look like new. So before the new year kicks off, why not take a hard look at your closet? If some of your beloved staples have seen better days, don't put them on the toss pile quite yet. With the help a few redditors, your wardrobe workhouses can stay in constant rotation come 2017.
Next year, you're going to bypass broken zippers, too-tight shoes, and other style-related qualms. Click through to solve your most troubling fashion conundrums with Reddit-sourced solutions.

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