This Principal Used The Dab To Give Great Health Advice

If you didn't know what dabbing was, you likely found out last week, when Paul Ryan asked a dabbing teen if he was going to sneeze. As awkward as that situation may have been, the connection between dabbing and sneezing wasn't so far-fetched to one high school principal. Tom Bowman, principal of Newark High School, turned a viral move into a health tip when he suggested that students dab when they sneeze to avoid spreading germs. He even modeled the move on a poster:
Not only does the suggestion make total sense, it also allows for a pretty stellar acronym: D (destroy) A (all) B (bacteria). According to local paper The Newark Advocate, Bowman's idea for the poster came from Alex Kovach, a technology-integration specialist at the school. "I did it one day in class and kids just stared at me and they said, 'Did you really just do that?'" Kovach told Newark Advocate. "And I thought it was funny so I just started doing it all the time." Bowman's advice is probably a hygienic recommendation you've heard before: If you don't have a tissue on you, sneezing into your arm instead of into your hands is the best way to help prevent germs from spreading. But Bowman's idea to connect the suggestion to a viral dance move is genius enough that you may start seeing this poster everywhere. According to Newark Advocate, the California Department of Public Health has contacted Bowman about using his idea statewide. As we approach cold and flu season, don't forget to dab when you sneeze.

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