CVS Is Offering A Way Cheaper Alternative To This Life-Saving Allergy Medication

Last year, we learned that the cost of the EpiPen was continuing to rise to sky-high rates, eliciting outrage from those who depend on it for life-threatening allergies (Sarah Jessica Parker even spoke out on behalf of her son). Now, CVS is offering an alternative to the EpiPen at a fraction of the cost. On Thursday, the drugstore chain announced that it is now selling an authorized generic option, called Adrenaclick, at $109.99 for a two-pack (compared to the EpiPen's current retail price of $649.99). The Adrenaclick works the same way as the EpiPen: It's an auto-injector containing epinephrine, which treats severe asthma attacks and allergic reactions. In a statement sent to Refinery29, CVS president Helena Foulkes said that the company is responding to steady concerns from customers who couldn't afford the EpiPen after its price hike. “As a health-care company focused on helping people on their path to better health, we recognized that there was an urgent need in the marketplace for a less expensive epinephrine auto-injector for patients with life-threatening allergies,” Foulkes said. The $109.99 price tag for Adrenaclick will apply to insured patients as well as those without insurance who are paying out-of-pocket. Those who qualify for cost reductions can also use a coupon program for further discounts. If you suffer from life-threatening allergies, you know that the EpiPen could be the difference between life and death, making its price so frustrating. Until now, Mylan, the company that manufactured the EpiPen, had no competitors in its field, which made such a high price possible. But thanks to CVS's new alternative, people don't have to make the decision between going broke or risking an allergic attack.

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