While Donald Trump was shaking hands with politicians, Ellen Page was debating what it means to be gay with an outspoken man wearing all black in front of the National Press Building in Washington D.C., TMZ reports.
In the encounter, documented via video on the site, Page stands directly in front of a man who proclaims to her that "homosexuality is a demonic, toxic thought." He goes on to say that it is something "you become" and says that she was not born like that, implying that she became gay. The actress stares patiently back at the man while he continues on his tirade.
A crowd gathers around them because of the man's tone and volume when speaking about the topic. TMZ also writes that the man is a preacher because he is wearing a clerical collar. After he stops talking, Page tells him that he is "wrong" and that what he is saying is "extremely hurtful." She ends the conversation by telling him that they're never going to get anywhere talking, and that she's sure he will stick with his beliefs his whole life.
Page is in town for the Women's March this weekend, according to a post on her Instagram. The march, which started as a Facebook event, will take place on January 21 to coincide with Trump's Friday inauguration.
You can watch the video of Page facing off against the older man can on TMZ's site. But, instead, I suggest you read up on her documentary series about LGBTQ communities, Gaycation. It's much more empowering.