Donald Trump Made A Significant Change To The Oval Office

Photo: Bloomberg/Getty Images.
Donald Trump's first acts as President included removing the White House website's pages on climate change and LGBTQ issues, signing an executive order against the Affordable Care Act, and redoing the oval office. In photos of him signing his executive order, Marie Claire points out, the curtains behind him are gold. During Obama's time in office, they were red. Gold seems to be the President's signature color. It is, after all, the color of Trump Tower's exterior and much of its interior. Trump also got rid of a rug with quotes from four former presidents and Martin Luther King, Jr., ABC reports. The rug there now looks like the one George W. Bush used, which is — you guessed it — gold. He also brought back the Winston Churchill bust that was there before Obama replaced it with an MLK bust. The latter is still there as well, though. In response to rumors that he'd remove it, he said in a speech at the CIA headquarters that "I would never do that, because I have great respect for Dr. Martin Luther King."

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