The Zombie Movies You Need To See If You Love The Walking Dead

Moviestore Collection/REX/Shutterstock
Zombies are so hot right now.
Between The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Netflix's Santa Clarita Diet (RIP), and the new Zombieland sequel, there are more than enough undead to satisfy your apocalyptic entertainment cravings.
But before zombies were breathing life back into TV, they were devouring their way through the silver screen. The first zombie movie goes back to 1932, when Edward and Victor Halperin directed The White Zombie, about an evil voodoo master who turns a woman into a zombie. Its sequel, Revenge of the Zombies, premiered in 1936.
Since then, the genre has flourished, providing us with such cult classics as Night of the Walking Dead, 28 Days Later, and Shaun of the Dead.
Join us as we look back at some of the scariest, most iconic zombie films of all time.

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