This Teen Sent The Sweetest Apology Gift To His Girlfriend’s Mom

By now, missing a curfew is practically the classic teenage mistake. After all, there's a reason it's a trope in so many movies about young love (The Notebook, anyone?). But when 17-year-old Marc Duran accidentally brought his girlfriend, 17-year-old Margaret Zapata, home after her curfew, he made sure to apologize to her mom with the sweetest gift. Duran had asked Zapata what her mother's favorite ice cream was, but she didn't think much of the question until Duran showed up with flowers and ice cream for her mother to apologize for bringing Zapata home late. He also wrote a note to say he was sorry, and that it wouldn't happen again.
Zapata told BuzzFeed that, of course, her mom forgave him after that. "My mom did forgive him, she thought it was cute and caring," she said. "She thought it was super sweet, she smiled so much." Zapata also BuzzFeed that “he’s the first boy my entire family has met and everyone loves him. He’s truly a gem." Well, with manners like that, it's no wonder why.

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