How The Women’s March Affected Porn Viewership

Photo: Jeff Chiu/AP/REX/Shutterstock.
With millions out marching on January 21 for the Women's March on Washington and its sister marches around the world, there was one side effect nobody considered. Number crunchers at PornHub found that during the day of the march, there was an 8.2% drop in views on the streaming porn site.
PornHub reports that women account for 26% of its viewership, so when it tracked traffic patterns throughout January 21, it was no surprise that there was a significant drop from women viewers. Fluctuations across the U.S.A. were apparent. At 3 p.m., viewership was down 6.4%. By 8 p.m., streaming reached a peak drop of 8.2%.
Photo: courtesy Pornhub.
PornHub also looked at the difference between men and women's viewership. The Next Web reports that "traffic from men was also down in the afternoon and evening, reaching a low of -4.3% at 10 p.m., compared to normal traffic levels from male visitors." Looks like plenty of guys were out marching, too.
While the largest Women's March gathering was in Washington, D.C., the nation's capital wasn't the city that showed the most drastic change. That honor goes to L.A., which had a drop of 22% below normal — and the trend lasted into the evening. Overall, cities with higher attendance reflected a lower viewership. Rest assured, by the end of the day, every city was climbing back to its normal rate.
While women across the nation can count the Women's March as a major success, according to PornHub, all the marchers in the streets definitely translated to less traffic on the site.

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