The Best Movie Date Scenes, From The Romantic To The Tragic

Dating might as well be a sport. Sometimes it makes you feel like a real winner. Sometimes you score. Other times, you wind up hurt and swear that you'll never get back out on the court again. Anyone who has done the whole dinner-and-a-movie thing knows that dating is rarely comfortable or easy — even if it's totally worth the potential awkwardness should things actually work out.
Fortunately, you don't have to start swiping on Tinder to experience dating life. Instead, let these beloved movie characters experience the ups and downs for you. I've curated a list of the greatest date scenes from movies, so that you can sit back, relax, and not ask a person "So, what do you do?" for the 10th time this month.
Some of these dates are super romantic and may make the more emotional among us tear up. Other scenes? Well, you may just cringe with second-hand awkwardness.

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