28 Ways To Save Money Every Day This February

Well, we’ve made it. It’s February, and the first month of 2017 was a doozy. Not only have we already survived some of the year’s worst weather and witnessed an interesting start to the first 100 days of the Trump administration, we’ve also conquered an entire month of our New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, statistics show that about 41.6% of those resolutions probably have not made it this far.
But hey, resolutions are overrated. After all, isn’t a new month as good a reason as any to set some new goals? And if you’ve fallen off the wagon in terms of, say, your lofty plans to save money in 2017, we’ve got just the tips you need to start fresh. From the obvious (eat dinner in!) to the intriguing (go to the doctor?) we’ve compiled one money-saving tip for every day of February. We know that sounds like a lot, but it’s not like it’s a Leap Year or anything.
Read on to save big — and if you missed our January edition of 365 Days of Saving, then you’ve got double the daily dose of saving strategies for this month.

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