Support The Causes You Care About — Straight From Your Phone

Photo: Jeff Chiu/AP Images.
Now, more than ever, is the time to stand up for the causes you care about, whether that means fighting for equal pay or defending abortion rights. But knowing how to effectively make your voice heard isn't always easy.
Every day brings new calls for donations, emails about petitions you should sign, and news articles about an array of crises. The volume can be so high that it's hard to know where to begin. It may seem easier to just tune things out and go on with your day.
But for the activist looking to continue their efforts beyond the Women's March or another protest, there are ways to identify key issues and make a change — all from your phone. Ahead, we've included seven apps and websites that let you see what's being voted on, help you quickly reach your reps, and donate where you see fit.
These apps and sites don't replace in-person action. But you have to start somewhere.

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