Matthew McConaughey Thinks Americans Should “Embrace” A Trump Presidency

Matthew McConaughey is applying his "alright, alright, alright" philosophy to our current political climate. During an interview with ChannelFi for his new film Gold, the actor was asked whether celebrities such as himself should give President Trump "a break." McConaughey's response was probably not what Meryl Streep wanted to hear. "Well, they don’t have a choice now," he answered. "He’s our president. And it’s very dynamic and as divisive of an inauguration and time as we’ve had. At the same time, it’s time for us to embrace and shake hands with this fact and be constructive with him over the next four years. "So even those who strongly disagree with his principles or things he's said and done — which is another thing, we'll see what he does compared to what he has said — no matter how much you disagreed along the way, it's time to think about how constructive can you be. Because he's our president for the next four years at least. President of the United States." The native Texan's statements have earned praise from conservatives on social media. Funny how that "Hollywood actors should stay out of politics" attitude doesn't hold up when you like what you're hearing. Others have had a less enthusiastic response to McConaughey's complacency.
One thing worth noting: It's unclear whether this interview was taped before or after Trump's executive order on immigration. McConaughey's wife, Camila Alves, is a Brazilian immigrant who moved to the United States at age 15. Alves became a U.S. citizen in 2015. Watch his video interview below. Note: The original video has since been deleted from YouTube, though copies remain online.

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