Chloë Grace Moretz Got A Killer Marie Antoinette Cake For Her Birthday

Photo: George Pimentel/WireImage.
When it's your birthday, you want to have your cake and eat it too, right? Especially if you're Chloë Grace Moretz and your birthday cake is Marie Antoinette after she has lost her head. Moretz celebrated her 20th birthday with family and friends and the most killer (get it?) cake you'll see all day.
The Marie Antoinette masterpiece starts with the traditional Barbie cake that we've all seen before. Insert Barbie in a dome cake, ice the cake like a dress, and voila!
But Moretz's cake ratchets up the drama. There is a bloody stump where Barbie's head used to be. The head is tossed aside at the cake's feet. The doomed French queen's most famous quote, "Let Them Eat Cake," is piped in icing on the cake board.
It wasn't all fun and games with the French for Moretz's birthday. There's also another cake and a vegan, gluten-free lasagna.
Moretz has already captivated us with her activism and willingness to speak her mind. Now, she's given us #birthdaygoals as well.

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