This Girl Made A Song Out Of Hillary's Concession Speech

Photo: Matt McClain/The Washington Post/Getty Images.
After the election results came in, many discouraged Hillary Clinton fans took solace in her consolation speech. In a famous excerpt that became her most retweeted tweet of the election, she gave a shout-out to the girls who viewed her as a role model.
"And to all of the little girls who are watching this: Never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams," she wrote.
Now, it looks like she's succeeded in inspiring at least one girl. Isolde Fair, a 13-year-old at Sol La Music Academy in Santa Monica, wrote a song with lyrics based on the speech for a music theory class, Cosmopolitan reports. She also added some words of her own, including, "Never change about who you are, invincible and confident, leading to a deeper plan, possibilities coming true."
In a YouTube video, she sings it while her classmates provide instrumentals and background vocals. "The message is that all girls (and women) should never doubt that they are valuable and powerful and can have their dreams come true," Fair wrote in the description. The performance itself is a testament to what girls can accomplish.
Fair and her peers at her all-girls school have encouraged Clinton as much as she's encouraged them. "Thanks to Isolde Fair & her classmates for this inspiring song," she tweeted. "I'm with YOU."

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