These Little Girls Are Ready For The Women's Strike

Photo: Nicole Mabry/NBC/NBC NewsWire via Getty Images.
If you're in despair about the direction in which the country is going, you're obviously not alone. But seeing little kids get involved in the nascent resistance movement has made us feel like our future shines a little brighter than it may seem.
Tomorrow marks another moment of unity among women in the Trump era: The organizers of the Women's March are planning a general strike called A Day Without A Woman, which will fall on International Women's Day.
The idea is to make people see what the world would look like without women's labor and to bring attention to gender inequality. Because taking a day off work is impractical for many women, you can also participate in other ways, including not shopping (except at local, women-owned businesses), calling your representatives, and donating to pro-women organizations.
Even elementary-school kids are taking the day off for some good, old-fashioned civic action. Two little girls from Raleigh, NC, wrote letters to their principal saying they will be absent and explaining the day's importance. Their mom Laura Moreschi posted their letters on Twitter, and immediately got a ton of warm responses, including from the Women's March.
Here is the 10-year-old's letter. Both girls' names have been redacted for privacy.
"I would like to participate in 'The Day Without Women' protest. I am going to write a letter to the editor, contact my congressman, and do whatever I can to make my voice heard," she wrote to her principal. "With your permission I would like to be excused from school this Wednesday. I will talk to my teachers and get my school work ahead of time but I would just like you to know the reason of my absence. Thank you."
Here is the letter her younger sister, who is 7, wrote:
"I will not be at school on Wednesday March 8th because of the 'Day without Women,'" she wrote. "I will write letters to my representatives. I will do my work ahead of time. I think this day is important and I hope you do too." We love how resolute she sounds.
Many people sent Moreschi words of encouragement.
It makes us happy to see parents raising little feminists who will grow up having learned values of equality and inclusivity from an early age. Sometimes, it's enough to see that the kids are alright.

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