31 Women-Owned Brands That Merit Your Business

Most of the legacy fashion brands that dominate headlines are run by men — both on the business side, and on the design side. When we look at the ones we follow on Instagram, the lookbooks that resonate with us, and the garments that immediately make us "add to cart," more often than not we're drawn to indie labels that might not have the name-recognition of a big-name house but are changing the industry in deeply impactful ways.
This year, the organizers of the Women's March planned A Day Without A Woman, when folks who identify as female are encouraged to take March 8 off (from paid or unpaid labor) and join events happening across the globe, wear red in solidarity, and refrain from shopping — save for small female- or minority-owned businesses. The way we spend our money can have a bigger impact than we might realize: The retail industry is plagued with ethical problems, and is oftentimes responsible for sustaining systems of oppression. As important as it is to educate oneself about where we're spending our dollars, it's just as crucial to use our capital to back our beliefs. After all, what does a "feminist"-branded T-shirt stand for if not a cent of the price tag goes towards supporting women or other underrepresented communities?
The fashion community is filled to the brim with talented, independent female makers that push the industry forward, both with their innovative businesses and fresh ideas. We've compiled some of our favorite young labels founded (and led) by women, which doesn't just illustrate the range of what these designers bring to the global retail landscape, but also how easy it is to shift your spending habits towards more conscious consumption. Ahead, 31 brands to guide your every day shopping, from now onwards.

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