This Is Why The Statue Of Liberty Went Dark Last Night

Photo: AP/REX/Shutterstock.
The Statue of Liberty went dark for an entire hour last night and people couldn't deal with the powerful symbolism.
That's because last night's Lady Liberty blackout happened to coincide with International Women's Day and A Day Without A Woman (aka, the women's strike), both of which are being observed today.
At first, no one was really sure what had happened.
Did some brave employee decide to turn off the lights in solidarity with women? Was it just the universe's way of winking at women as if to say, "Don't worry, we got this"? Was Lady Liberty actually alive and ready to join the strike?
Well, not exactly.
The National Parks Service issued a statement clarifying that the monument had gone dark because "power and a lighting system controller had been switched off in order to change out faulty lighting equipment," per The Washington Post.
But you can still acknowledge the symbolism and interpret it however you want — which is exactly what Twitter users did.
Some people were incredulous because the timing was too perfect.
Many users wondered whether it was a planned thing or just a technical failure.
Others pointed out that it was an accurate depiction of what's been happening lately in the world. With the new travel and immigration ban looming on the horizon, and the constant battle over transgender rights and women's reproductive rights, you might say that Lady Liberty is just plain fed up.
Of course, many people took the power outage as a sign that Lady Liberty supports the women's strike, including the organizers.
But comedian Aparna Nancherla delivered the ultimate mic drop.
She tweeted, "Apparently the Statue of Liberty lights went out due to a power failure. But I would argue women are also protesting due to a power failure."
Take note: Women everywhere — including Lady Liberty — are ready to smash the patriarchy. Happy International Women's Day!

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