Trump Tweets About International Women's Day, Twitter Goes Bananas

Photo: REX/Shutterstock.
For some reason, Donald Trump tweeted a message in support of International Women's Day early this morning. (Still can't decide if he gets up super-early or just stays up this late.)
Of course, actions speak louder than tweets, and hundreds of people immediately seized on Trump's statements to remind him that he runs the most anti-woman administration in recent history.
We could dredge up every single thing Trump has done to disrespect women. It's so tempting. There's the grabbing-them-by-the-genitalia comment that would have disqualified almost anyone else from running for office, the reinstatement of the global gag rule, the whiter-than-white and almost all-male cabinet, and of course the immigration-policy proposal to separate mothers and children at the border.
Oh, and who could forget: "Women, you have to treat them like shit."
But since today is International Women's Day, we're not inclined to do the labor to find all of the sexist statements, allegations, and policies. It's all out there.
Instead, we'd like to direct your attention toward positive actions. There are many ways to participate in today's worldwide women's strike, even if you're not taking the day off work. You can call your elected representatives, donate to local organizations that support women, or post what you're passionate about on social media (without mentioning Trump's tweets).
You can educate yourself on how we can stop lifting up hateful narratives as a society, and how to fight hate speech with your wallet. You can also help women succeed with your wallet: We've put together a list of innovative, forward-thinking woman-owned brands you can support today and every day. And if you're thinking of starting a business of your own, you can get inspired by the advice we've put together from powerful women. You can run for office.
On the topic of Trump's tremendous respect, we'll let these tweets speak for themselves.

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