The Best (& Only) Way To Celebrate Pi Day: With Pie.

Our teachers always told us we'd use math in the real world. And while we haven't calculated the cosine of a of a triangle recently, it turns out there's at least one math lesson we'll never forget: Pi. A mysterious Greek number, the purpose of Pi is to make us pause on March 14 ever year and enjoy edible pie. Or, at least, that's what we are pretty sure why the irrational number is so important.
Okay, okay, we know Pi is important because it helps you find the circumference of a circle. But, unless your job requires you to crunch numbers like that on the reg, we doubt you've calculated a circle's circumference since the SATs. But we bet you have made or eaten a pie to celebrate it's official holiday, March 14. In honor of the first three digits of pi (3.14), its the main reason we've remembered pi's mathematical value. Because, as it turns out, sugar is a great motivator. Now if we could only come up with a national holiday for the quadratic formula, we'd probably remember that, too.
Until then, however, please enjoy these 11 recipes perfect for Pi Day — or any day, really. And if making dessert isn't really in the cards today, check out these deals and freebies instead.

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