This Girl Found Her Brother Who Was Put Up For Adoption 19 Years Ago

After 19 years of being apart, 24-year-old Jazmin and her 19-year-old half-brother Jibril finally met for the first time just a few days ago. According to BuzzFeed, the two share the same father, but Jibril was put up for adoption by their father and his mother and ended up living in Texas while Jazmin grew up in North Carolina.
While watching a Duke v. North Carolina basketball game earlier this month, Jazmin's stepmother had the idea to look up Jibril on Google to find him. Though she wasn't successful at first, she tried changing the spelling of his name and adding "Texas," where she knew he lived — and found his photo.
"She was in complete shock!" Jazmin told BuzzFeed. "After 19 years, she was looking at her first born. She instantly started crying and reached out to my sister [Taianna] and told her she had found him. [Then] my sister started crying and freaking out."
And thanks to the power of social media, Taianna found Jibril on Twitter, and sent him a message.
"Hi Jibril, my name is Taianna and I live in North Carolina and I think you are my older brother," she wrote. "Would you be open to talking to me?"
Jibril replied, asking Taianna for her parents’ first names, and the two eventually met via FaceTime.
"She sent me a picture of her and my little brother [Keyshawn] and I was in shock," Jibril told BuzzFeed. "After that I gave her my number and I talked to everyone on FaceTime."
Though he didn't find out about his biological family until he was 17, Jibril had since put a lot of thought into what it would be like to meet them.
"I found out about this side of my family when I was 17 and I would tell myself all the time that I wanted to meet them one day, and I knew when the day came I would be so emotional and happy," he told BuzzFeed. "It was a life changing moment. My [adoptive] parents were so happy I couldn’t stop them crying when I told them because they knew how important this was to me."
Jibril then flew to North Carolina to surprise Keyshawn and catch up on lost time.
While Jazmin told BuzzFeed that it'll take some coordinating to get the entire family's schedule together, they all want to make it out to Texas to visit Jibril as well.
In the meantime, they're just in awe that Twitter helped them find a long-lost family member. Social media: Not so depressing, after all.

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