10 Puppies Who Have Better Brows Than You

Photographed by Amy Lombard.
Brow inspiration can be found anywhere: in movies, on magazine covers, on your friends, on your boy friends. But dogs? Well… that’s different.
But hear us out — dogs are a surprising source of beauty (and life) inspiration. Their lustrous coats, their soft, well-kept tails, their ageless appeal and youthful joie de vivre — those are the kinds of qualities we should aspire to, as opposed to fussing over fine lines or split ends or shade names.
Or maybe dogs just have it easy. There’s no such thing as beauty maintenance in a dog’s world, after all. They don’t need to get their hair highlighted, or their fillers touched up. And they definitely don’t have to worry about brow maintenance — they were just born that way, perfect arches and all.
Ahead, 10 dogs with killer sets of brows that would turn Lily Collins green with envy.

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