An LGBTQ Dance Party Protest Is Making Its Way To Ivanka Trump's House

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After throwing a big going away party at Vice President Mike Pence's house earlier this year, WERK for Peace is taking their party to Ivanka Trump's house this weekend in Washington, D.C.
The activist collective announced on Facebook that protestors will gather this weekend to protest President Trump's executive order to unravel Obama-era policies on climate change.
"Last Tuesday, the Trump administration passed an Executive Order rolling back environmental regulations and slashed funding to the EPA, essentially halting the Federal progress the US has made in slowing the pace of climate change and on promoting clean energy," the Facebook page reads. "In response, get ready to shake what your Mamma Earth gave ya and WERK it for climate justice!"
As for what Ivanka Trump has to do with this, organizers said that her new official position in the White House is a chance to hold her accountable.
"We can’t let Ivanka trick our communities into supporting and legitimizing her," co-organizer Carla Aronsohn told The Huffington Post. "We will show up to her home because the bad decisions of the Trump administration hit us in our daily lives, in our homes, and the nature we surround ourselves with."
"The entire Trump Administration has shown a blatant disregard for our planet and it’s inhabitants, like paving the way for the Dakota Access Pipeline displacing the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe," the Facebook page reads. "The reality is that the people most affected by the administration’s bad climate decisions are our most vulnerable friends: our poor, working class, native, trans & POC siblings. We must put our bodies on the line for our earth and for all who depend on its resources."
The protest will begin in Dupont Circle starting at 6 p.m. and make its way to Ivanka Trump's house — or, at least, as close to it as security will allow. And if it's anything like the last dance-protest, it's going to be a hell of a time.

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