The Internet Is Searching For This Guy's Ex After He Texted The Wrong Number To Apologize

We all know that breakups suck — and they suck even more if you come to realize that you should never have been apart in the first place. One guy apparently learned that the hard way, and he's out to make amends with his ex-girlfriend, Michelle. Only, the text he sent didn't actually reach Michelle, and instead reached a total stranger.
The stranger responded, and obviously posted screenshots of their conversation on Twitter — and now everyone is rallying to find Michelle.
On Saturday, Twitter user @FarMohamadi, who goes by Farhan, posted screenshots of a conversation that began after he got a text from a stranger that simply said, "Baby?"
Farhan, of course, knew that the text probably wasn't meant for him, and replied to let the stranger know that he had the wrong number. What happened next, however, was pretty unexpected.
Once Farhan got the guy to realize that he was indeed not Michelle, the stranger asked if Farhan had a girlfriend. He didn't, and though the newly-single guy initially joked, "you're a free man," things quickly took a turn.
"But listen bro if you ever got a girl and she ain’t a hoe and if she constantly nags u and texts a lot and seems annoying trust me bro she’s a keeper," he wrote. "Don’t let her go like I did. I fucked up with her."
It's not exactly clear what this guy defines as a "hoe," but either way, the internet was up in arms trying to find Michelle.
And given that Farhan neglected to blur out the guy's number, many are even reaching out to him personally to extend condolences.
It just goes to show that the internet will be there for you, even when your ex has changed her number.

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