This Man Had The Best Way Of Keeping His Wife Company During Her Cancer Treatment

Last October, Mackenna Newman's mother was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and had to undergo cancer radiation treatments that forced her to be isolated in her room.
However, Newman's dad made sure that his wife wouldn't have to be alone.
On Friday, Newman tweeted a photo showing how her dad found a way to keep her mom company: by setting up his own space, right outside of her bedroom.
"My mom has to stay in her room in isolation for her cancer radiation so my dad set up a desk at her door to keep her company and I'm crying," she wrote.
"I just thought it was sweet because they are so in love," Newman told BuzzFeed. She also told BuzzFeed that her dad was right outside her mom's room "the entire time."
Since she posted the photo on Twitter, she and her family have received an outpouring of love from the internet.
"The amount of love I've received is crazy and I didn't expect any of it, but I'm so grateful," Newman told BuzzFeed.
Her mom, Marci, also told BuzzFeed that the gesture is pretty typical for her husband.
"Jon goes to every doctor's appointment, every blood test, every surgery, every radiation," she told BuzzFeed. "And, as you can see, if he can't be by my side he is as close as he can get!"
Newman tells Refinery29 that while Marci's cancer had spread into her lymph nodes and trachea, she has been able to get the cancerous tumors removed, and will now have to attend regular checkups to ensure that no new tumors develop.
And sure enough, she'll have her husband and daughter by her side through it all.

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