Photographed by Lula Hyers.
You’ve heard it so often that it can sound a little annoying, even cliché: The key to a good relationship is communication. But communicating — especially around things you want and need in a relationship — can be easier said than done, especially when it’s with someone you really like, or someone new. You may worry that asking for what you want will make you seem “too needy.” Perhaps you fear that you might offend your partner, and don't want to rock the boat. But on the contrary, people are often attracted to partners who have confidence and speak their minds.
The reality is, if two people aren’t being open and honest with each other, it's not a true relationship — and certainly not one that’s sustainable. Besides, being open with your partner paves the way for your partner to be open with you. And while it might seem a little scary, being open with your partner is likely to bring you closer and build respect. Here’s how to tell your partner what you want, even in some tricky situations.

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