A Terminally Ill Woman Is Helping Her Husband Find A New Partner

Photographed by Alexandra Gavillet.
Last year, doctors told Sarah Reed that her breast cancer was incurable, and that she had as little as two years to live. Though she and her husband, Lee, got married just last month, Reed is determined to help him find a new partner after she passes away.
"It might sound crazy teaching my man how to meet a new woman when we have only just got married, but I need to know he will be happy after me," she told the Daily Star. Reed also said that she hopes her husband will find someone who can be a good stepmother to her 10-year-old daughter, Chloe.
"Lee and Chloe have brought me so much joy and if I can leave them just one thing I want it to be happiness," Reed told Daily Star.
According to Daily Star, Reed found a lump in her breast in 2015. Despite undergoing treatment and radiotherapy, the cancer spread, and she was told last year that it was incurable. Reed and her husband, who met in 2013, got married in March — and in the midst of planning their wedding, Reed was also putting together a list of dating do's and don'ts for him.
"It had taken him ages to get together with me and on the first date he’d not brought his wallet, so I knew he needed some help," she told Daily Star. "I explained I needed to know he would be happy again and that would help make sure Chloe was happy too."
Her instructions included "be happy and love them like you love me" and "don’t forget your wallet."
At first, Lee wasn't too keen on the idea, but eventually agreed.
"He looked horrified at first but I told him if he was going to meet a nice woman he needed my help," Reed told Daily Star.
"When Sarah told me I had to meet someone else I was upset but I understood it’s her way of looking after me," Lee added.
However, Reed's family still hopes to extend her life, and have set up a GoFundMe page to help pay expenses for more treatment.
"Life must carry on for them so I’m helping the only way I know how. He’ll make an incredible husband for one lucky woman," Reed told Daily Star.

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