Why One Dad Took His Daughter's Doll For A Day Of Adventure

When Sadie Jessica Marie Collins saw a man with a shirt reading "Punisher" pushing a doll around in a shopping cart at Goodwill, she had to know his story.
"This guy comes into Goodwill today, he's a big dude," she shared in a submission to the Love What Matters Facebook page. "He has tattoos on his neck and arm and even a skull tattoo the size of my entire hand on the back of his head. His name tag says 'Punisher' everything about him screams burliness and manliness yet, here he is, at Goodwill with a baby doll strapped safely in the cart as he shops for clothing."
Turns out, the man was carting his daughter's doll around and even buying it clothes.
"When I asked him about it he told me it was his daughter's baby doll named Davey and that she wanted him to have Clothes and socks so he got in his car, and drove here and bought Davey two onesies and then went to Walmart and bought him some socks as well," Collins shared. "I couldn't believe how well he treated his daughter's baby doll. It was incredible. I can only imagine how well his daughter is cared for if he's willing to care for her toys this well."
The father, Keenan Watson, happened to find her post, and commented to give some even more heartwarming context to what Collins wrote.
"This story is about me," he commented, explaining that his daughter had asked him to take her favorite doll with him everywhere while she was at school.
"She suggested I get him an outfit, etc," he wrote. "And yes, she also said for me to make sure I put him in a car seat while driving, feed him, everything else a little mommy would want for her baby."
"I told her I would, and I did," he continued. "I want my baby girl to know that she can always count on Daddy to tell her the truth, and that I take an active interest in the things she enjoys."
Watson said that he wasn't aware that the photo made its way online until later in the day.
"To the people who find me weird, that's fine," he wrote. "I just made my daughter happy. Nothing more, and nothing less."
We can't imagine anyone finding this heartwarming story weird — being hyper-masculine and being able to show love for your child aren't mutually exclusive. And it would seem like most of the internet agrees: Collins' post has over 40,000 reactions and over 5,000 shares at the time of writing, and the comments section is filled with people praising a dad who went above and beyond for his kid.
"People always judge on looks," one commenter wrote. "But the fact you showed your sweet girl that her daddy will always be there is the most precious thing ever."
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