The Kardashian Sisters Stand With Planned Parenthood

Photo: Larry Marano/WireImage.
Kim, Khloé, and Kourtney Kardashian can be counted on to show up for Planned Parenthood. The trio recently visited a branch clinic in Los Angeles and discussed what they learned on their Instagram.
The Kardashian Klan supported Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election, but they are not the most politically-inclined family. However, they clearly care about women's access to healthcare. We can all agree that it is a good thing for them to use their fame to spotlight the troubles that Planned Parenthood has been experiencing under a legislature who wish to defund it.
It’s important to note that the “cancer screenings” that Khloé refers to in her Instagram caption are Pap smears, which test for abnormal growth on the squamous cells of the cervix. Healthy people with vaginas are encouraged to get this screening every 3-5 years, depending on your age, though many choose to get a Pap smear annually.
In 2011, the GOP began concerted lobbying efforts to stop federal funding to the organization. These funds are disbursed directly through Title X of the Public Health Services Act, which was passed in 1970 during the Nixon administration. Planned Parenthood also receives federal funds in the form of Medicare and Medicaid payments to their providers.
Unfortunately, the American Health Care Act would disallow all federal funds to Planned Parenthood — including Medicaid payments, which would disproportionately affect poor women and families, who are often minorities. The AHCA has passed through the House of Representatives, and now it awaits debate and a vote in the Senate. President Trump has indicated he wants to sign this bill, which means Planned Parenthood is precariously close to losing crucial funding. Kim discusses this on her Instagram caption, noting that it will also raise health care costs. “They are such an amazing place that provides so much to so many!”, she says, and the numbers agree: in 2014, Planned Parenthood saw an estimated 2.7 million patients in 2013 alone. It just goes to show how many women and people of all gender identities use their services today.
The Keeping Up With the Kardashians cameras were rolling the entire time, so we will mostly likely see this outing in an upcoming episode. In a world where women's’ healthcare is still taboo to talk about, the Kardashians want to make it clear that they #standwithPP.
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