This Kid's Teacher Feedback Took A Wild Turn

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You can usually count on kids to tell it like it is, especially when they're unhappy. For example, take this 11-year-old girl who schooled her teacher on collective punishment. Not only was her response super snarky, it also showed she knows how to back up her arguments with legal precedent.
The girl's dad, Mason Cross, tweeted a photo of the feedback his daughter wrote for her school, saying, "Not sure if I should ground her or buy her ice cream." The pic shows a section of a form the young student filled out about things the teacher could do better, and Cross' daughter wrote, "Not use collective punishment as it is not fair on the many people who did nothing."
She even referenced the 1949 Geneva Conventions, boldly informing her teacher that collective punishment is a war crime.
Cross described his daughter as "11 going on 47" in an additional tweet and called her response cheeky AF.
He also responded to people claiming the answer was fake, saying, "dude if I'd made it up I would have got her to fix the spelling of 'Geneva.'" Even with the misspelling, it's still clear this 11-year-old is pretty brilliant.
The masses of Twitter obviously loved the snarky feedback, pointing out that she definitely deserves ice cream, with one person suggesting the internet crowdfund a year's supply for her. What 11-year-old wouldn't love that?
According to Cross' Twitter, the family lives near Glasgow in the U.K. He's a writer, so maybe his daughter picked up some of her dad's punchy writing skills.
Either way, the pre-teen could have a successful career as a politician. She's already proven she isn't afraid to stand up to authority, has at least some knowledge of international law, and wants to stand up for people. Look out for this girl in 20 years — she'll probably be running U.K. politics.

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