Katy Perry Fired Back At Fox News After They Criticized Her Reaction To The Manchester Bombing

Photo: Rob Latour/REX/Shutterstock.
Katy Perry got a lot of flak for her reaction to the Manchester bombing, especially from Fox News. After Monday night's bombing at an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena, which left 22 dead and over 50 injured, many celebrities took to social media to express their heartbreak. Singer Katy Perry, who expressed her grief on Twitter, also spoke to radio host Elvis Duran about how she hopes this tragedy will help people come together.
"I think the greatest thing we can do now is unite as people, as fan bases, all of it," she said. "Whatever we say behind people's backs, the Internet can be a little bit ruthless as far as fan bases go but I think that the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other. No barriers, no borders, we all just need to co-exist."
This seems like a nice message, but Fox News took offense.
"It is just more of that sort of limousine, Gulfstream liberal mindset of these celebrities who just do not operate in any sense of reality," Michelle Malkin said with a laugh. She viewed Perry's words as comments on literal borders, rather than the metaphorical borders between fans on the internet.
After the clip started making the rounds, Perry took to Twitter to clarify her remarks and directly addressed Malkin.
"The media has edited my words out of context, I was talking about online fan culture and how we must unite now," she explained. "Maybe didn't say it perfectly but, I don't always get it right. Would love to speak with you in the future."
There's no reason a horrific event like this should divide us, since everyone's main goal is to prevent it from ever happening again in the future. Katy Perry's initial message was important, and it's good to see she's still spreading understanding and tolerance no matter the situation.

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