A Teen Is Searching For Her Soulmate & The Internet Is Here To Help

Four years after seeing her "soulmate" in an airport — twice — one teen is taking her shot at true love and looking for him, with the internet's help.
Joceline, an 18-year-old recent high school graduate from San Jose, California, told BuzzFeed that she doesn't "want to leave any 'what-ifs' hanging" in her past, and that's why she's trying to track down a boy who she met in 2013 while heading to China on a trip with her family.
On Tuesday, she tweeted about her serendipitous encounter, writing that the boy in question is someone who was on her flight to China, who happened to be wearing the same forest green American Apparel jacket that she had on. When they landed, Joceline had to switch flights and didn't see him again — but when she left China to go home nearly a month later, he was on the same flight. She had tried to talk to him once they landed, but he and his family left before she got the chance.
"I JUST THINK IT'S CRAZY HOW he and his family could have gone home any time that summer but we somehow were on the exact same flight both times," she wrote. "And now I'm trying to find him bc IT'S 2017, 4 YEARS LATER, AND I'M SHOOTING MY SHOT."
"When we were coming back home, we looked at each other and that's when I realized he was the same guy," she told BuzzFeed. "I'm hoping that he recognized me, too, but of course I wouldn't have known exactly what he was thinking."
"It's not like I think about him every day, but it's been in the back of my mind," she added.
Along with her story, Joceline also tweeted a photo that, admittedly, isn't super revealing as to who the guy could be. But hey, you never know — stranger things have happened than a girl finding her soulmate from four years ago. Plus, she's harnessed the most powerful force of all to help her: the internet.
"It's amazing how many people you can reach with a simple retweet," she told BuzzFeed.
And retweet they did — at the time of writing, her tweet has over 7,500 retweets and over 6,000 likes. As you can probably guess, the internet is rooting for these two to find each other again.
"Of course I'm a little nervous because there's such a high chance that this won't work, but I know it was worth the try," Joceline told BuzzFeed.
You heard the woman: retweet away. It's 2017, and we could all use some good news.
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