The Weather Channel Is Trolling Trump To The Max

It didn't exactly bode well for the environment when a person who has claimed that global warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese was elected president. It was disheartening and horrifying when Donald Trump officially withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement this afternoon — but the decision was hardly unexpected. In advance of his announcement, The Weather Channel pulled out all the stops to troll Trump regarding his climate change policies.
As shown in the screenshot below, the homepage features a barrage of headlines that are not-so-subtly aimed at Trump and his fellow climate change deniers.
As noted by Mashable, the The Weather Channel TV network is independently operated — so is responsible for all the following headlines on its homepage:
"Still Don't Care? Proof You Should Care Now"
"...and More Proof..."
"...and Even More Proof..."
"...Or the Imminent Collapse of a Key Ice Shelf..."
"...Or Antarctica Turning Green..."
"...Or California's Coast Disappearing Into The Sea..."
"And a National Park Losing its Namesake"
None of these headlines are "fake news" — the links lead to articles about how rising sea levels and salt water are "dooming a wilderness" and how the California coastline is being swept away by rising sea levels.
The website also revamped its format today to include a livestream of Trump's official announcement regarding the Paris Climate Agreement.
Other organizations have joined in trolling Trump's dangerous decision, including the Sierra Club.
"Congratulations, President Bannon," the environmental group tweeted, referencing the White House chief strategist who reportedly urged Trump to withdraw from the deal.

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