Four Pro Chefs Share The Grocery List Apps That Make Shopping A Snap

Photo: Cindy Ord/Getty Images.
Before you can chop, toss, sauté, or grill, you must first gather your ingredients, which is often more time-consuming and tedious than it should be.
How often have you gone to the store, gotten everything you thought you needed, and returned home, only to realize that you didn't pick up an onion? Or maybe you thought you still had plenty of basil but forgot you used the last of it in that Tuesday night stir fry.
Luckily, plenty of apps have been created to solve a spell of forgetfulness and make shopping easier so you can get to the cooking and eating faster. To find out which ones are best for creating lists and, in some cases, ordering ingredients right away, we went to four pro chefs. Ahead, see their picks, then download the one you like best, and chop to it.

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