This Woman Did The Most To Get Her Boyfriend The Perfect Instagram Shot

Issac Garcia will do whatever it takes for the perfect Instagram shot. And if his Insta feed is any indication, it's worth it. Even if that means he has to drag his girlfriend, Lorena Mora, into his stunts as well.
On a recent trip to Canada, she literally propped him up so that he could get the perfect angle. A fellow tourist walked by, thought that the lengths Mora was willing to go to support her boyfriend were cute, and snapped a behind-the-scenes photo for them, BuzzFeed reports.
The resulting picture is pretty hilarious, so Mora posted it to Twitter with the caption, "when babe has to do it for the shot. Always support ya mans."
The tweet has since gone viral, with more than 45,000 retweets and 180,000 likes as of writing.
This photo is a testament to true love in the digital age, and people are eating it up.
As much as people love this couple, it's the golden rule of the internet that when a tweet exists there have to be at least a few naysayers in the comments.
And the naysayers here have questions about Garcia's core strength.
"A lot of people have been commenting on how he may have poor core support and that he should start working out more," Mora told BuzzFeed. But her giving him a push wasn't about whether or not he could hold himself up on the ledge, it was just so he could get the perfect shot.
"But it was all me — I just thought it would be funny to give him a little push so he could get a good picture," Mora told BuzzFeed. That's true love.
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