This Teen Clapped Back At Crop Top-Shaming

Just because you’ve graduated from high school doesn’t mean you’re done dealing with bullies. Seventeen-year-old Rebekah Loudermilk knows this all too well. According to Yahoo Style, while hanging out with friends one night at a local festival in Wichita, the recent graduate was verbally attacked.
“I was walking with a friend while wearing a crop top, and a girl who was with her friend made it very clear that she wasn’t pleased with what I was wearing due to my weight,” she explained to Yahoo Style. “She said, ‘fat girls shouldn’t be wearing crop tops.’ Afterward, I gave her a look showing that I had heard her, which caused her friend to say, ‘you know she heard you right?'”
After the incident, Loudermilk didn’t cower. Instead she took to Twitter. The teen posted two selfies of herself standing proudly, crop top and all, baring her body for all to see.
“To the girl @ river fest making fun of me for wearing a crop top, it’s 90 degrees and you aren’t hurting my confidence nice try,” said the tweet. In one image Loudermilk is seen defiantly sticking out her tongue which is covered in blue.
The images struck a chord. Several users chimed in showing support for the teen.
“Screw them! you look adorable, girl! wear whatever the heck you want!” said one user.
“Yes boo! Do you and don't listen to those who try to bring you down!!” said another.
In addition to sharing wise words about loving her body and how to deal with hate, Loudermilk was humbled by the response from friends and strangers on Twitter. “It makes me happy to see people share it — not because it is me — but it shares a positive image,” she said to Yahoo Style. “I have received some negative comments because of it, but I just shrug those off and let the love outweigh the hate.”
In an era when bullying runs rampant on Twitter, seeing the reverse happen is breath of fresh air.

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