You'll Weep Real Tears Watching This 9-Year-Old Girl Say Goodbye To Her "Boyfriend"

Photo: Getty Images.
Parting is such sweet sorrow — perhaps never more so than when you're nine and saying goodbye to your pint-sized soul mate because they're moving away. Oh, and you're both wearing matching flannel shirts, and you've also apparently been holding hands since you were two years old. Who's crying already?
Such is the case for star-crossed besties Merce and Mylee (you can tell they're nine years old by their extremely 2008 names) who parted ways this week before Merce's move out of state. Mylee's older sister was on hand to capture the fond farewells, and she tweeted pics of the tearful plaid-clad pair hugging goodbye. "My little sister's boyfriend is moving and their goodbyes were the saddest thing ever."
The tweet, which has been shared over 50,000 times, is racking up quite the emotional reactions, crying gifs, hopes for a reunion, and odd yet supportive exclamations such as, "sweet fancy Moses I want to hug them both!"
"They have been in dance class together at Merce’s grandmother’s dance studio in Gonzales, LA, since they were around 2 years old," Merce's dad, Glen Meynardie, told Yahoo Beauty. "They have always said they were boyfriend and girlfriend for as long as I can remember... They greet each other with a hug before class, and after each class, Merce walks [Mylee] to the car and hugs her goodbye. I can remember them holding hands at dance competitions when they were 2 or 3 years old." We'll let our potential concerns about 2-year-olds competing in dance slide for the moment, because how cute are these two?
"When Mylee found out we were moving, she said, 'My life is over. I’m supposed to marry Merce. How am I going to marry him if he is in California?" Meynardie added.
From their halcyon days in toddlerhood to their final performance together (yep, the matching shirts are a dance "costume," because apparently costume departments have gotten much kinder since the days of my childhood dance recitals), Merce and Mylee are a relationship for the ages, and we're rooting for a happy reunion someday down the line. In fact, we may have already had a glimpse into the pair's distant future — at least, we hope so.

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