Game Of Thrones Season 7 Premiere Photos Are Here

Photo: HELEN SLOAN/Courtesy of HBO.
Four days, people. That's how little time is left between now and the season 7 premiere of Game Of Thrones. We've got a bevy of teasers, trailers, posters, Reddit theories, tantalizing photos, set spoilers, and secrets spilled by the increasingly loose-lipped cast to go off of — all to facilitate our manic clue-gathering, get us even more excited for the series' long-awaited return, and, frankly, tide us over until this Sunday at 9 p.m. And to make the short but agonizing wait just a little more bearable, HBO has bequeathed us yet another treasure: we have been gifted yet another batch of new photos from the upcoming season.
We've got a LOT of good stuff here — the first fresh photos since April, mind you — and it all hails from Sunday's epic-looking premiere, titled "Dragonstone" which is expected to be a mega-sized episode. There are multiple photos of Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) in Dragonstone, the ancestral seat of the Targaryens in Westeros. There's Cersei (Lena Headey), with a very Cersei serious expression. (Does she ever look happy?) We've also got an unlikely dual going on, a pint-sized ruler, a glimpse at Meera, and angry men holding torches (just kidding, they're the Night's Watch).
Oh, and remember that scene in the trailer released in May where Cersei says "Enemies to the east. Enemies to the west. Enemies to the south. Enemies to the north," while standing on a giant map of Westeros on the floor? We've got a sneak peek at that very map being painted on what looks like a courtyard in Kings Landing.
Click through to see all the photos.
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