People Are Obsessed With A Teen Who Actually Cried Over His Girlfriend's Selfies

When 18-year-old Rozaline Siordia sent three of her selfies to her boyfriend, 19-year-old Nathan Urias, she wasn't expecting such a strong reaction — but what he sent her has the internet reeling.
Siordia and Urias were texting last week when he asked her to send him the selfies she took, despite her saying that she didn't "really like them." When he said that he began "tearing up," it seemed like an exaggeration, that is, until he sent her a photo of himself actually crying.
Siordia posted screenshots of their conversation to Twitter, where you can see that Urias really did send proof of himself crying, writing, "baby you are so beautiful" and "I'm so thankful."
Siordia tells Refinery29 that she and Urias began dating in April, but had known each other through Twitter before they started talking.
"He asked me out on a date first but I was already thinking of the idea," she says.
"I don't take selfies very often and neither does he so it's not that often I send a full face framed selfie," she tells us, adding that they usually send each other "funny selfies that are of us making funny faces."
She also says that she knew that he was being genuine when he said he was tearing up, and had only replied "you're lying" because she was in shock "because I was so happy that I had that effect on him."
"Not only has he always shown appreciation and expressed his emotions but I've teared up and cried of joy from just being around him," she says. "So I've been there before and I've seen him be as genuine as he was in the texts before."
Since she posted the screenshots to Twitter, the conversation has gone viral with over 47,000 retweets and over 156,000 likes at the time of writing, and people have responded praising her boyfriend for his expression of love.
But while Siordia is flattered that they're seen as a positive example of relationships, she says she hopes it doesn't send the message that significant others have to respond to each other the way her boyfriend did.
"Your boyfriend/girlfriend should be able to respond in any form because we all express love and appreciation in different forms," she says. "This was just ONE of the many ways that my boyfriend did so."
As for Urias, she says he also has plenty of ways of showing his love for her.
"He really shows his love in everything he says or does," she says. "Whether it's buying us lunch or buying snacks and movies to spend time with my family together. From sharing a smile with me to saying 'drive home safe, let me know when you're home' every 'little' thing he does has an infinite amount of love behind it."
Relationship goals indeed.
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