Keegan-Michael Key Brings Back Obama's Anger Translator On The Late Show

Luther, Obama's anger translator, is back, and he's more riled up than ever.
Keegan-Michael Key of Key and Peele stopped by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Tuesday, and things got a little heated with the GOP's failed healthcare bill came up in conversation.
As you may know, Republican Senators were unable to pass a bill repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act this week, after seven years of griping about Obama's 2010 legislation. This, of course, is a huge blow to President Donald Trump, who made "repeal and replace" one of his primary promises on the campaign trail.
On Tuesday, Trump called for the immediate repeal of Obamacare, stating that a replacement could come at a later time.
But before everything exploded in Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's face, Obama posted a lengthy message on Facebook explaining the dangers of repealing the ACA in which he wrote: "Simply put, if there's a chance you might get sick, old, or start a family — this bill will do you harm."
While chatting with Key in the Ed Sullivan Theater, Colbert read the above quote to Key and asked if maybe Luther had a response — and, oh my god, did he.
In a matter of seconds, Key's eyes widened and his voice went up a good five octaves as he lectured the audience about Trump's healthcare goals.
"Trumpcare? More like Trump Don't Care," Luther nearly screamed. "I'm talking about Don T Care don't care, okay? I fought for the ACA to help people, okay?"
Luther also called out Republicans for their closed-door healthcare discussions and unwillingness to work with Democrats.
"I also spent a full year in open, bipartisan sessions and everybody had a say — all the Republicans, all the Democrats," he said as he jumped around.
The performance was truly one for the ages, and damn, it made us miss Obama even more.
Watch the full clip below:

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