Caitlyn Jenner's Caption On A Photo With Steven Tyler Receives Serious Backlash

Photo: VALERIE MACON/AFP/Getty Images.
Caitlyn Jenner is no stranger to controversy. As a trans woman, Trump supporter, and avid Republican, the former Olympic athlete and reality star has said and done a few things that have rocked boats. But this latest comment has particularly upset the transgender community.
Earlier this week, Jenner posted a photo of herself with the lead singer of Aerosmith, Steven Tyler. The photo wasn't an issue so much as what Jenner captioned it is.
"@iamstevent and I are working on our duet for Dude Looks Like a Lady. One of my favorite songs!" she wrote.
Many trans women have gone online to share their discomfort with Jenner's caption. The idea of being seen as a man playing dress up is transphobic, and has been used to shame trans women since before the song's release. The people commenting on Jenner's photograph know first hand.
"Please stop hurting the community that you claim to be a part of. You are saying incredible dangerous things," writes one commenter. Many comments echo the fact that transphobic things like this, that may seem innocent, can be quite harmful, especially as violence against transgender people rises.
Other posts share personal anecdotes about what this song means to them.
"I've been laughed out of cafes and bars with this song @caitlynjenner," added another user. "This song is used as a form of transphobic abuse. So many have had it done to them like it was to me. Transwomen are not 'dudes'. We are women."
The same commenter continued with "You've gotta be kidding every binary transwoman in the world @caitlynjenner. This song has been used as a humiliation towards us for years. How could you not know this?"
Hopefully these responses will inspire Jenner to be more mindful of the trans community and its history.
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