The Online Convenience Store That Delivers Condoms & Plan B To Your Door

Photographed by Rockie Nolan.
Thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can get almost anything you want at the snap of your fingers — or at the tap of a button on an app.
That goes for everything from instant food delivery to even contraceptives. As Shape reports, goPuff, an online convenience store, will deliver products such as condoms, Plan B, and pregnancy tests to your door — in 30 minutes or less.
Getting birth control delivered to your door isn't exactly a new concept, but goPuff may be more widely available than certain other options. Last year, we reported that a corner store in New York City sold Plan B through Seamless, but if you're not living in Manhattan that information is kind of useless. goPuff is available in several cities, such as Philadelphia, D.C., Boston, Austin, Syracuse, Atlanta, and many more.
Plus, let's face it — you can't beat a $1.95, 30-minutes-or-less delivery. Of course, you can also buy snacks and household items via goPuff, and the service will even deliver late into the night, though hours may vary from city to city.
"GoPuff's mantra is that 'we don't judge; we deliver,'" the founders told Shape. "Our goal is to be the ultimate convenience service and deliver people what they need and when they need it—whether it's condoms and Plan B or six pints of ice cream."
What sets goPuff apart from other services, the website says, is that it eliminates the middleman. So instead of picking up your things from someone or somewhere else, they already have your supplies in their own centrally-located ops-center in your city. That also means that the service will be able to deliver to areas where 24-hour convenience stores might not be common.
While you should always be careful about ordering contraceptives online, hopefully eliminating the middleman will mean that the products are more regulated and therefore safe to use. And making safe birth control more readily accessible can only be a good thing
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