7 Days In 60 Seconds: North Korea To The Trans Military Ban

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
It can seem impossible to keep up with all the news these days, so here's what happened this week in a New York minute.

Trump Threatens "Fire And Fury"

On Tuesday, President Trump said North Korea would be "met with fire and fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before" if its leaders keep threatening the U.S. Two days later, the president said maybe that comment "wasn't tough enough," and Friday morning he tweeted that America's military solutions are "locked and loaded."

A National Opioid Emergency

Trump officially declared the opioid crisis a national emergency on Thursday, promising the government will spend a lot of money and effort to combat the epidemic.

The Administration Takes On The Environment

The environment didn't fare well this week, as protections were relaxed for an endangered bird (with a unique mating ritual), Department of Agriculture staffers were instructed not to use the term "climate change," and scientists, fearing the Trump administration would censor them, leaked a massive climate change report to the New York Times.

Trans Military Ban Challenged In Court

LGBTQ-rights organizations filed a lawsuit Wednesday on behalf of five trans service members challenging President Trump's plan to ban transgender people from the military.

Oregon Gets New Worker Protections

Oregon officially became the first state to mandate scheduling protections for food, hospitality, and retail works when Gov. Kate Brown signed the "Fair Work Week" Act on Tuesday.

A Long Read For The Weekend

Chelsea Manning caught the world's attention when she leaked thousands of classified military documents. In a new profile in Vogue, she talks about life after prison.

How To Take Action This Weekend

The five plaintiffs in the lawsuit brought against President Trump over the trans military ban remained anonymous, but the two LGBTQ-rights organizations representing them are the GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) and the National Center for Lesbian Rights. You can help them fight for LGBTQ service members' rights by donating here and here. And if you hear your friends or family making derogatory comments about LGBTQ people, speak up.

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