Apparently, This Is The Best Time Of Day To Have Sex

Photographed by Rockie Nolan.
In general, the "best time" of the day to have sex is probably whenever the hell you feel like it. But according to a new survey, there's an optimum time to have sex, and it may not be when you expect.
The survey, conducted by researchers at Forza Supplements in the UK, asked 1,000 participants when they thought was the best time for various everyday activities, including sex and eating breakfast, and as it turns out, the respondents were really into morning sex. The survey found that the best time to have sex was at around 7:30 a.m. — but if you're not an early riser, the best time would be within 45 minutes after you wake up.
For those of us who associate sexy times with evening light and candles, this is a bit of a surprise — but researchers at Forza noted that "energy levels are at their highest after a good night's rest," meaning that you likely have more stamina in bed.
"The rush of endorphins sparked by sex lowers blood pressure and stress levels and makes us feel more upbeat for the rest of the day," researchers said.
For the research, the folks at Forza polled 1,000 people who they deemed as living "healthy and active lives," and asked them to log the times of day when they felt like they got the most benefits out of certain activities. Researchers than created a daily timetable based on the average of the times these participants logged down. It's also important to note, however, that 1,000 people is a relatively small sample size, and you may not be able to apply their lifestyles to any person.
But either way, it's a good excuse to try a little more morning sex.
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