This Is Why Millie Bobby Brown Hates Being 13

Photo: Scott Kowalchyk/CBS.
Thursday night, Millie Bobby Brown appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and seeing as she recently became one of the youngest actors in history to be nominated for an Emmy, her age, of course, came up. At the beginning of the segment, Colbert explained that she hadn't been on the show since last year, when she was only 12 years old. Colbert said, "Now, congratulations, you're the big 1-3." And, though the actress initially met his comment with a "woo" of excitement, she actually had an unexpectedly negative opinion on officially being a teenager.
When the host asked Brown, "How do you like being 13?" without hesitation, she responded, "It's not good." In her charming British accent, the actress explained, "You have to take your shoes off at the airport." After a brief, confused pause, Colbert said, "Oh, oh I see. More is expected of you now." But the actress continued, making it clear that her statement wasn't meant metaphorically. Having to take your shoes off when you go through security at the airport is, according to her, "the worst part of it."
The Stranger Things star kept the jokes coming when Colbert congratulated her on her recent Emmy nomination. She hilarious told Colbert that since he's hosting the awards show this September, he should invite her up on stage to co-host. The co-hosting gig probably won't happy for the 13-year-old this year, but she could very well share the stage with Colbert if she receives that Emmy.

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