The Top Fall Jewelry Trends According To Etsy

Hosting more than 45 million unique items to buy, Etsy is the new digital form of a world bazaar. Anything you can think up — from furniture to fan-made Bieber charm bracelets to bikinis for cats — can be found among its seemingly endless pages. But amidst the strange and interesting items, there's also a growing under-the-radar community of amazing designers (1.8 million creative sellers to be exact) that host their shops on the site.
With such a bustling online marketplace of handcrafted items, knowing where to start is key. And since it takes a tricky game of keywords to find what you're looking for, Etsy's experts are here to help. Based on shopper data, the site has crunched together a fall trend guide that features its top searched jewelry styles for the upcoming season. According to the retailer, the Etsy Trend Guide is "a compilation of fresh trends our experts are noticing across Etsy and the industry as a whole: what sellers are creating, what shoppers are loving, and what’s hot right now in the wider market."
For a leg-up on what to keep your eye on this fall, we've compiled the highlights ahead.

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